We use Playerlineup to manage our team. Here's our schedule, latest notifications and attendance tracking. Welcome!

Sport Futsal
Home city Helsinki
Series Inter_age
Team members 32
The team is open to new players. See the recruitment page.

Tervetuloa joukkoon Herkko, ja hyviä pelejä sunnuntaifutsalin parissa!


Kausimaksu suoritettu. Nähdään su.

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Contact Information

Contact person: Jouni Jakonen, jja.01@outlook.com, +358503495619

We play futsal every Sunday at 10-12 starting from mid August till mid June. The location is Unisport Kumpula, Väinö Auerin katu 11, 00560 Helsinki. If you are interested in Futsal, and do not yet have a team, feel free to visit or contact us :)
